Friday 22 June 2007

A bang on my heart!!!

Sometimes you see others happy with their loved ones while you are all alone n just waiting for your special person to come. How do you feel at such times??

For me, i
 feel a bang on my heart everytime i see a happy couple. It makes me miss my loabs more n go craxy. It reminds me of the lovely moments that we shared together and the fun we had. And then guess wattt??  i spend the rest of the day just counting the estimated minutes and seconds left for him to come.... yeah my day sometimes spoils when i see romantic couples. it kinda breaks my heart for a moment.

What to do, i just have to wait n wait for him to come dho


shweetikle said...

it is related ey..dun wry..ul be with ur loabs in no time =D

Anji said...

i changed my post a lil bit. sorry shweeet. heheh

iecco said...

hehe good luck! lovely cute post

The Xostedenzyme said...

well..i dunno...i guess i also feel that way sumtimes...but not too much :D

Anonymous said...

Its a complex, dark feeling :\

foniboki said...


*mives komenteh*

Anji said...

DarkAngeL; thank u :)
nass; good for u..
pixsie; yeah it is, i still have a month to spend like this :'(
foniboki; comment accpted :P