Monday 25 June 2007

Not One.... Big Two eyyy

Guess what I did tonight???...... hmmm I killed 2 cockroaches… not one, yesh two eyy… n those are big big flying ones…. Yewww I hate cockroaches.

While I was near the pc I saw one on my room wall. I donno from where it came, all my windows were closed, but somehow this one managed to get in. I sprayed half of the BOP fulhi on it.. yess I keep a bop spray fulhi in my room. This one thelhemun folhemun gos vanee
bathroom ah ingey (the door was opened).. i left it there to die… then i was back to my pc.. after few mins again i saw the cockroach on my wall near the bathroom door. It was getting ready to fly…. aww hadha bireh gathey.. i thought it was the one i killed before n somehow it got life or got full strenght n is trying to take revenge ey.. lol … den i attacked it with bopspray again.. It was flying all over the room. But i brought it under my control by continuously hitting with BOP * foni wide smile*. (don’t think here I’m advertising BOP spray)…
after killing this one I chked my bathroom.. ahhaaaa there it was the first one I killed…

Am I not great to kill two cockroaches in one night??

But the sadd thing is I inhaled lots of bop spray tonight n still the smell is there. awwwww


Anonymous said...

so brave! I thought u'd rather run out of the room screaming when u saw the 1st one :p

anyway, i'd give u a lil advice. next time dont let them to die. KILL 'EM! otherwise they'll call for backup (help) and their family members will join.

Anonymous said...

Hey really varrah wow ingey..! o_O heheh i can never do that kan nenge..ehhehe

Anji said...

nass, thank u for the advice
n yes i wanted to run out of the room but at the same time i had the fear that it might wake me up in the middle of the night if i dont kill it.. so i cant leav it alone in the room ennu.

pixsie, try it with bop spray :P

white-silence said...

BOP SPRAY ge isthihaareh tha... :/ heehee anyways had funn reading this :)

iecco said...

Yeah Nass thats wat happens to me ... the family members will come for aid and then increase!!! but em too damn scared to spray them even :/
thee hama cokroach killer eh ingay anji! hama 0_o!!! great!