Tuesday 19 June 2007

Shweeeeet!!! i'm here

Hey com'n Shweeeeet, find me here. 
I have given u enough clues and hints.
The post in your blog which i referd to has a picure with the word "smile"

Mini, see i told ya its only one letter ey wrong in the name u first gave.

"Anjal" is a unique beautiful name dho

Anyway it was fun to see how u guyz came up with different names.
All names related to Amira were really nice n i have to say u all are good at making names.. hehehe

Anyway hope to see u all here tomorow night.

bye bye


Anonymous said...

Hey so who actually found the link?? somebody gave you some metaa as a bribe tha??? heheh ;)

Anji said...

no pixsie, shweet worked hard n found it on her own.. but this nass didnt bother to recognize wat she did. so saddd
poor shweeet dho

shweetikle said...

yesh yesh! baadh baadh big nass! hurebala adhi kameh kohlaanan! hpmh! newaz, sho shweet of you to write a post abt this and include me in it! Hehe..newaz, welcome to blogging! =D

Anji said...

thank u shweet :D
i'm realy shweet ey :P

Anonymous said...

This is a noosbayaan to clarify the situation.

Actually shweet (with 5 e's) might have found it by her hard work. BUT she only gave the link AFTER I found out from Raya.

So what to do :D

"hurebala adhi kameh kohlaanan! hpmh!" I'm realllly looking forward to it Shweety! :p

Anji said...

nass, wowww hadha salhi noosabayaanekey :P
i hope shweet comes with a good response to this noosbayan...with her own nooosbayan...

shweetikle said...

my own noosbayaan ingey!
dhen emme hevey hama naseehu nubuney naseehu ah fenumuge kurinnekey hoadhan jeheyneekee! hmph! adhi kohlaanamey..look forward to it and good luck! =p