Saturday 28 July 2007

I Love You My Angel

The pain inside me
Does not go away

Time does not heal my pain
The memories do not fade

I struggle to live my life without you
But it does not seem possible

Even though you are not here with me
Everyday I miss you and wish to be with you

I know I hurt you by crying for you
But I’m sorry I can not help it

I should have taken care of you that day
I wish I could change the time, I’m so sorry dear

I’m sorry I was not your angel that day
But now you are my angel, right!!!

I look up at the heavens where you are
And I pray to see you there one day

I still miss you &
I will always love you my angel.

Saturday 30 June 2007


Loook!!!   i won MK on my loab's b'day :D, isnt it great???

Friday 29 June 2007

God gave a gift to me when u were born
a darling who cares and loves me the way i want
a sweetheart who is truly crazy about me
a honey who makes me smile everyday

Happy birthday, my darling!
i’m wishing you another year
full of joy, laughter and happiness
with lots of loves, kisses and huggs

I wish I could be there with you today
i wish i could fly today
just to give you a giant hugg
and whisper in your ears
“happy birthday, loabs! ”

Even though you're not with me,
my heart is always with you
n there are millions of reasons to give you my heart
i love you always and forever

Once again
Happy Birth day to my loving loabs

Monday 25 June 2007

Not One.... Big Two eyyy

Guess what I did tonight???...... hmmm I killed 2 cockroaches… not one, yesh two eyy… n those are big big flying ones…. Yewww I hate cockroaches.

While I was near the pc I saw one on my room wall. I donno from where it came, all my windows were closed, but somehow this one managed to get in. I sprayed half of the BOP fulhi on it.. yess I keep a bop spray fulhi in my room. This one thelhemun folhemun gos vanee
bathroom ah ingey (the door was opened).. i left it there to die… then i was back to my pc.. after few mins again i saw the cockroach on my wall near the bathroom door. It was getting ready to fly…. aww hadha bireh gathey.. i thought it was the one i killed before n somehow it got life or got full strenght n is trying to take revenge ey.. lol … den i attacked it with bopspray again.. It was flying all over the room. But i brought it under my control by continuously hitting with BOP * foni wide smile*. (don’t think here I’m advertising BOP spray)…
after killing this one I chked my bathroom.. ahhaaaa there it was the first one I killed…

Am I not great to kill two cockroaches in one night??

But the sadd thing is I inhaled lots of bop spray tonight n still the smell is there. awwwww

Friday 22 June 2007

A bang on my heart!!!

Sometimes you see others happy with their loved ones while you are all alone n just waiting for your special person to come. How do you feel at such times??

For me, i
 feel a bang on my heart everytime i see a happy couple. It makes me miss my loabs more n go craxy. It reminds me of the lovely moments that we shared together and the fun we had. And then guess wattt??  i spend the rest of the day just counting the estimated minutes and seconds left for him to come.... yeah my day sometimes spoils when i see romantic couples. it kinda breaks my heart for a moment.

What to do, i just have to wait n wait for him to come dho

Tuesday 19 June 2007

Shweeeeet!!! i'm here

Hey com'n Shweeeeet, find me here. 
I have given u enough clues and hints.
The post in your blog which i referd to has a picure with the word "smile"

Mini, see i told ya its only one letter ey wrong in the name u first gave.

"Anjal" is a unique beautiful name dho

Anyway it was fun to see how u guyz came up with different names.
All names related to Amira were really nice n i have to say u all are good at making names.. hehehe

Anyway hope to see u all here tomorow night.

bye bye

Saturday 16 June 2007

How Do I Look?

Now here i come...

Its me when i was a kid :D
My look is stil almost the same.
i still have those big cheeks and nose..

I'm so lonlely

Loabee i'm missing u ey
I'm so lonely
here without u
I need a big big huggg ey
*snif sniff*
Come and make me feel better plzzz

I love u

Friday 15 June 2007

To My Dear Loabi

 My dear loabs!!!

I'm waiting here to be with you forever,
to build our happy life together
 but i miss you everyday,
every single second
i miss you so much 

I miss u your sweet smile
being in your arms
playing with your hair
your hugs which makes me secured
your passionate kisses which makes me complete

Ohh dear darling
my body aching for you
i need your warm touches all over me
i need you to hold my hands when i walk
i need you all the time

Sweety, do you know that:
everynigt i sleep tears in my eyes
wondering how u r surving there without me
 wishing to see you in my dreams
praying time to run faster

I'm goin crazy here without you
i miss u badly
words are not enough to express how i feel
loabee come home soon
i just cant wait so long
plz plz come soon